10 Things I Have Absolutely Nothing to Say About
Megan challenged me to write a blog post about 10 things I don't have any opinion on or thoughts to share
How I’m doing or what I’ve been thinking about when asked in person
What ingredients are in my toothpaste or how my toothbrush is designed
Anything related to opera or ballet
What makes a good pencil drawing and tips on how to get better at drawing
Funny or interesting designs to carve into your Halloween pumpkin
Alicia Keys
The quality of public roads in Indonesia or basically anywhere besides where I normally drive or have driven
The Rocky Mountains and their storied history
What to do about microplastics
The origin and usage of the word ‘bellwether’
10 Things I Considered Not Having Anything to Say About Until I Realized I Do
What kinds of pictures are best to make a puzzle out of (I could come up with some funny or conceptually difficult ones)
Which soccer teams are the best (I think they’re boring so I could bitch about that)
What kinds of cars are good or desirable (I have bias against Ford, Chevy, and Tesla)
How long it should take to deliver and install an aboveground pool (I would get mad if I ordered one and it took too long)
What brand of diapers are best (I have negative associations with the adult diaper brand Tena)
Which of the Harry Potter books are the best (They should all be burned)
What to look for in a manager of a little league baseball team (I’d want them to be nice to the kids and good at talking with kids)
Brunch (If I happen to be eating during brunch hours it’s still either breakfast or lunch)
The noises a revolving door makes (I like thinking about it)
What a scarecrow should look like (I mean you can make it however you want but some traits are more fun than others)
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i really enjoyed this. i too have nothing to say about Alicia keys. i have nothing to say about harry potter except for: adults who identify as different houses are pathetic